
(Other names: autistic disorder, pervasive developmental disorder, childhood psychosis and pseudo defective psychosis)

What is Autism?

Autism, other wise known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a condition that mostly occurs to children. Infantile autism was described for the first time by Leo Kanner in 1943 as ‘Autistic Disturbance of affective contact’.

Autism is one of five developmental disorders included under the umbrella of the Pervasive Developmental Disorders. In addition to autism, other disorders in this family are Asperger’s Syndrome, Rett’s Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, and when full criteria for one of the above disorders is not met, a child may be diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (often written as PDD-NOS). Autism is characterized by deficits in social interaction and communication, and unusual and repetitive behaviour. Cognitive abilities in people with autism vary between those with average to above average intelligence, to borderline and mild mental retardation, and others who function within the moderate to profoundly mentally retarded range1

When does Autism occur?

Typically, autism occurs before the age of 21/2 years. The onset may also occur in later. Autism occurring before or after 21/2 years are not very different.


  • Autism is more common in males than females2
  • It has a prevalence rate of 0.4-0.5 per 1000 population.


  • Abnormal Body Posturing or Facial Expressions
  • Abnormal Tone of Voice
  • Avoidance of Eye Contact or Poor Eye Contact
  • Behavioural Disturbances
  • Deficits in Language Comprehension
  • Delay in Learning to Speak
  • Flat or Monotonous Speech
  • Inappropriate Social Interaction
  • Intense Focus on One Topic
  • Lack of Empathy
  • Lack of Understanding Social Cues
  • Learning Disability or Difficulty
  • Not Engaging in Play with Peers
  • Preoccupation with Specific Topics
  • Problems with Two-Way Conversation
  • Repeating Words or Phrases
  • Repetitive Movements
  • Self-Abusive Behaviours
  • Sleep Disturbances
  • Social Withdrawal
  • Unusual Reactions in Social Settings
  • Using Odd Words or Phrases


  1. Niraj, A. (2011). A short textbook of psychiatry. In A Short Textbook of Psychiatry (Seventh ed., pp. 163-165). Daryaganj, New Delhi: JaypBrothers Medical Publisher (P).
  2. Stöppler, M. C., MD. (2019, September 10). Autism: Symptoms, signs, causes & treatment. Retrieved April 01, 2021, from https://www.medicinenet.com/autism_symptoms_and_signs/symptoms.htm

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