The struggles of being the eldest son
The struggles of being the eldest son Hey, guys I have no great introduction for myself a normal guy getting
You may ask, “why?” The reason is simple. If you think positively or think with love or understanding, you can change your future as well as the world around you. You should have goals and take steps to achieve them. As you do it, you should tell yourself, I will be successful and I can do it right. The positive vibes will ensure your success. If you don’t succeed at first, try again and tell yourself that this time you will. Rome was not built in a day. Many successful entrepreneurs were successful after repeated attempts, eg. Walt Disney. They failed many times but did not give up. So be positive in your thinking and one day you will make a difference in this world. Thinking with love and understanding also changes the world. If you put yourself in others shoes, you will understand them and their motivations. This will change the way you react or interact with them. You will show more love and care for fellow human beings and it could be the turning point in their lives. Eg. Timely understanding and show of concern may prevent somebody from committing suicide and would change the life of the person, who will in turn impact the lives of others. So be positive, loving and understanding, and make a difference.
The struggles of being the eldest son Hey, guys I have no great introduction for myself a normal guy getting
Oh! How Thankful to you Almighty
For everything without a bit of scanty
You’ve blessed and showered me abundantly
Whatever I need as a needy.
Peace! We all long for peace.
But why this fighting still not ceased?
We all know that we are brothers and sisters,
But why? We can’t live together.