
It’s been 2 years since I started going to college. I am a person who is around you all and makes friends with everyone. I am a normal human being just as anyone. You will never know my pain until you are my best friend. Until that time good luck in finding me. I am a person who smiles from outside and cries from inside. I make people laugh because I don’t want them to be where I am. I am a person who will help others even though I know I can’t handle things. I am a person who sees others’ problems more than my own. I am a person who cries to sleep everyday but I love my life and I know I have a reason that God has made me last so long. It’s not that others don’t like me but I feel that way because my mom and dad passed away. I feel sad for that when I think about it. So I keep getting into relationships which do not last. The girls think I am crazy because they do not understand. I am what I am is all that I say. It’s not easy to see another day, but when I do I thank God for it and make use of it to help people feel better. I love to sing and dance, I have never missed a day. I love music just like others and feel sad again. I have grandiose thoughts sometimes but I keep them to myself. I have gone to therapists but it makes no sense. I use the Bible as my guide everyday, to keep my sanity in the reality. I would love to share my story here because I know people feel the same way and to help them know that they are not alone in their lives. College has made me feel worse about myself because all my teachers have made fun of me am much as the days went. It’s a disgrace on how I managed to survive. I have one more year to be brave. I know once my story is done people are going to judge me. But it’s ok. It’s my life and I love it. I want to be the one helping others who are in depression and want to talk not being known to anyone. Thanks to this platform to help me share my story.

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It’s been 2 years since I started going to college. I am a person who is around you all and makes friends with everyone. I am a normal human being just as anyone. You will never know my pain until you are my best friend. Until that time good luck in finding me.

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Marriage at 16?

I am Neha (Name Changed) from Gujarat. I was born and raised in family of 6 children and I am the 2nd. From a young age I was made to learn all the chores of a woman to cook, to sweep, to go for shopping to take care of a man and a lot of others. I was sent to a school thankfully till my 6th standard and then I had to leave because there was no one to take care of my siblings at home and mom could not do all the work at home. I was not enjoying the work but then I had to do it.

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When I was about the age of 10 my classmates bullied me, they were making fun of me because I was fat and was not able to run or play outdoor games. I got addicted to smoking and alcohol at a very young age. I was put out of 2 schools in my 8th after which I completed 8 to 10 in 2 other schools.

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