
It’s been 2 years since I started going to college. I am a person who is around you all and makes friends with everyone. I am a normal human being just as anyone. You will never know my pain until you are my best friend. Until that time good luck in finding me. I am a person who smiles from outside and cries from inside. I make people laugh because I don’t want them to be where I am. I am a person who will help others even though I know I can’t handle things. I am a person who sees others’ problems more than my own. I am a person who cries to sleep everyday but I love my life and I know I have a reason that God has made me last so long. It’s not that others don’t like me but I feel that way because my mom and dad passed away. I feel sad for that when I think about it. So I keep getting into relationships which do not last. The girls think I am crazy because they do not understand. I am what I am is all that I say. It’s not easy to see another day, but when I do I thank God for it and make use of it to help people feel better. I love to sing and dance, I have never missed a day. I love music just like others and feel sad again. I have grandiose thoughts sometimes but I keep them to myself. I have gone to therapists but it makes no sense. I use the Bible as my guide everyday, to keep my sanity in the reality. I would love to share my story here because I know people feel the same way and to help them know that they are not alone in their lives. College has made me feel worse about myself because all my teachers have made fun of me am much as the days went. It’s a disgrace on how I managed to survive. I have one more year to be brave. I know once my story is done people are going to judge me. But it’s ok. It’s my life and I love it. I want to be the one helping others who are in depression and want to talk not being known to anyone. Thanks to this platform to help me share my story.

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How to pursue a career in Engineering?

Pursuing a career in engineering is a dream for a lot of youngsters during school days. India happens to be one of the countries that has seen Engineering as the most popular choice of career over many past decades. We have seen a large number of individuals of Indian origin grow to massive heights and seen themselves achieve immense success around the globe in the most renowned corporations. These achievements and global recognition has inspired us Indians to believe and push ourselves beyond our boundaries with no compromises.

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It is quite but natural for a human being to dream and aspire for a beautiful, successful life without any problems. When we look at children we feel that they are so lucky to enjoy their childhood where they are free of problems. The journey of life may not become easier as we grow older, but we do seem to understand it better as our perspectives evolve. Right from childhood, the school, parents, elders give suggestions like we should be strong, should have a goal in life, hardworking, dedicated, focused etc. Many instances that are happening today raise a question in our mind that why today’s youth are not able to cope with problems? Why do they give up sometimes? Nobody knows the exact answer. We can motivate youth saying, life is not full of happiness. There will be unknown problems, situations, people who pull our legs, criticize, comment, demoralise etc. How to manage all these challenges? Is there a written book of solutions? Does any school or college teach us solutions? No. If we look at successful people one thing we understand is there is some unique quality in them that has helped them to be what they are. What are the ways to train youth for life?

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Binge-watching isn’t as cool as it seems

By now we are all aware of the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the novel Coronavirus. Not only has this pandemic affected global health, but it has also hit hard and crashed the economies worldwide. Due to the pandemic, most of the offices (especially the ones with air conditioning) are closed and so are almost all of the schools and colleges, and yes, a lot of people have lost their jobs.

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