It is quite but natural for a human being to dream and aspire for a beautiful, successful life without any problems. When we look at children, we feel that they are so lucky to enjoy their childhood where they are free of problems. The journey of life may not become easier as we grow older, but we do seem to understand it better as our perspectives evolve. Right from childhood, the school, parents, elders give suggestions like we should be strong, should have a goal in life, hardworking, dedicated, focused etc. Many instances that are happening today raise a question in our mind that why today’s youth are not able to cope with problems? Why do they give up sometimes? Nobody knows the exact answer. We can motivate youth saying, life is not full of happiness. There will be unknown problems, situations, people who pull our legs, criticize, comment, demoralise etc. How to manage all these challenges? Is there a written book of solutions? Does any school or college teach us solutions? No. If we look at successful people one thing we understand is there is some unique quality in them that has helped them to be what they are. What are the ways to train youth for life?

We need to give importance for a strong mind with a strong body. Mothers feed their baby to become healthy and strong but often do not teach how to build a strong mind. Schools teach many things in curriculum, but there is no curriculum to build strong mind.

Here are few points which children can adopt right from childhood.

  • Have a role model in your life, never compare with others and feel inferior about yourself.
  • Plan to have a schedule for yourself in a day where you will concentrate on meditation, yoga or any form of exercise.
  • Train your mind by giving auto suggestions that I will not give up and face the problem whatever it may be. I will not be affected by any negative element around me.
  • Have faith in God. Prayers, meditation help to be calm, courageous.
  • Try to find happiness in small things which you do. Money cannot buy happiness.
  • Help others who are in need of helping hand.
  • Practice gratitude. Never forget the path you traveled through.

All these points will help you to come up in life and face challenges.


  • If you didn’t have failures…
  • If you didn’t have struggles…
  • If you didn’t have disappointment,
  • you could have no strength, no courage, no compassion.  

I would like to conclude by saying a famous quote of Albert Einstein

Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution.

Be positive and act positively.

Thank you

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Autism, other wise known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a condition that mostly occurs to children. It is one of five developmental disorders included under the umbrella of the Pervasive Developmental Disorders.

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