
I was about 15 years old when I got into my first one sided relationship. It was not a great one. The girl got to know and she said it was not going to go anywhere. I used to lie a lot during this time.

My parents are into business, so most of the time they weren’t there for me.

So till my 12, I was in different one sided relationships. All with different people. 

When I went to my UG I had another relationship but this time it was from both sides. I got my driver’s license and I went around with her to the beach, park, birthdays, etc. It ended within a year, both of us got into depression and I left college. I came to the Canada. I was considering not to get into relationship here but I did. 

For my luck I am still in a relationship now and we are going to get engaged next year. I have been open to her about, I have told her about my problems and I have been happy ever since. It’s not that I want to get into relationships but I feel lonely when I am not in one. 

After years of trying I got one person who loves me unconditionally. I am not encouraging others to get into relationships and find the gap of love to be filled, but I am insisting you to try knowing that this is a kind of problem that we go through. You must try to be open to the person you are with no matter the consequences, they too may understand or else they are not for you. 

If they hear about your past through someone else, it will never be good for you. However close you are. There are a lot of people who struggle in relationships but here is a fun fact, be compassionate and loving from your side and see the difference. 

You mind is the master of what you feel and what you do. No one can control it other than you yourself. Make a choice that is right. 

I have never talked to anyone about this story because I feel embarrassed. I hope people come out and talk about their problems so that the people who do, don’t feel that they are alone.

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It’s been 2 years since I started going to college. I am a person who is around you all and makes friends with everyone. I am a normal human being just as anyone. You will never know my pain until you are my best friend. Until that time good luck in finding me.

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Marriage at 16?

I am Neha (Name Changed) from Gujarat. I was born and raised in family of 6 children and I am the 2nd. From a young age I was made to learn all the chores of a woman to cook, to sweep, to go for shopping to take care of a man and a lot of others. I was sent to a school thankfully till my 6th standard and then I had to leave because there was no one to take care of my siblings at home and mom could not do all the work at home. I was not enjoying the work but then I had to do it.

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When I was about the age of 10 my classmates bullied me, they were making fun of me because I was fat and was not able to run or play outdoor games. I got addicted to smoking and alcohol at a very young age. I was put out of 2 schools in my 8th after which I completed 8 to 10 in 2 other schools.

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