The Warriors in White
There was a ‘Lady with the Lamp’
She had left, her imprint unclaimed
She had given her best
So, we must ceaselessly carry the legacy unrest
And prove the world we are no less
Nevertheless we are the finest.
-Binazir Kramsapi
Oh! How Thankful to you Almighty
For everything without a bit of scanty
You’ve blessed and showered me abundantly
Whatever I need as a needy.
Oh! How Thankful to you Almighty
For moulding and crafting me so perfectly
Am amazed and happily agree
That your creations are really extraordinary.
Oh! How Thankful to you Almighty
For a loving and beautiful family
Am rest assured that will be safe under your custody
Free from worry, breakdown and disability.
Oh! How Thankful to you Almighty
For this magnificent and Marvellous country
Bestow us with strength and fortitude, so we could
Pass these perils unscathed and free
We shall overcome and bloom again in a beautiful tree.
There was a ‘Lady with the Lamp’
She had left, her imprint unclaimed
She had given her best
So, we must ceaselessly carry the legacy unrest
And prove the world we are no less
Nevertheless we are the finest.
There is no place like home. And I do miss home. It has become a trend among the youths in
Family…. A ray of hope …. Last year I had a major break down because of a heartbreak. I didn’t