The Importance of Family Engagement in Young Lives

Family time is quite underrated in the young world. We often center our lives around our peers, celebrity role models, certain habits, dreams and desires, and so on, that we fail to pay attention to our roots, our foundation.

It is normal to feel more attracted to the outside world, to find friends more appealing, and feel that the ones within the four walls are against you. This is often what runs in an adolescent mind. It may seem only but a phase, taken for granted most of the time, that we fail to notice the impact on a vulnerable period such as this, because the mind now is capable of judging the right from wrong based on the perception of the stimuli by themselves and the ones they are surrounded with.

They may seem very hard to communicate with, for they put up walls, and hide most things because of a very conservative approach some parents use in upbringing, with good intentions it may seem but lead to a major backlash with secrets that could be dreadful.

Family involvement in affairs is very important for many reasons.

  • Adolescents have a lot going on, not just the physical growth with the hormonal changes taking place, but also mentally and emotionally. So, it is very critical to understand them and deal with patience and empathy.
  • Healthy family time can do so much good for a person, especially an adolescent can keep them from a toxic company,
  • Have faith in relationships,
  • Treat people with compassion, kindness, love,
  • Help respect another being
  • And the most important, carry it on forward with their children.
  • It is critical that home shelters a safe space and gives utmost importance to non-judgemental communication.
  • A short note to the adolescents reading this,

It can get difficult at times but don’t shy away from talking about it, for more suppressed the thoughts are, more toxic they get leading to harmful effects on the physical, mental and social aspects of an individual.

Seek refuge in anyone you trust,

  • Family is the best if you feel it a safe space to discuss, but know that it is not a hard and fast rule,
  • A friend can be of help too,
  • Or more so, a therapist.

If you are living with your family and are not estranged, make sure you keep them in the loop, for they love you and they would try their best to keep you from harm. You never know, the answers could be at their fingertips, for experiences can be similar to a certain extent.

Concluding, I would like to emphasize and add on a few points to what’s mentioned above,

 For a family having an adolescent among them,

  • Create a safe space
  • Don’t judge
  • Be patient
  • Educate on mental health, social behavior,
  • Sex education, addiction to drugs and alcohol,
  • Ethics
  • Discuss dreams and desires.
  • And last but not the least, Promote the idea of communication with either family or a trusted friend or a therapist

For adolescents,

  • Find someone you can talk to, turn to family first, if not, a friend or a therapist.
  • Learn to communicate, for expressing thoughts, opinions, and accepting criticism is key in growth.
  • Work on self-control especially that of emotions.
  • Refrain from indulging in activities that would harm you or your loved ones.
  • Seek help immediately when in a potentially harmful situation.
  • Family is always there to lean on, so even if you have strayed away, don’t feel embarrassed to return like the Prodigal Son. A parent will always welcome you with open arms.

A family is a blessing,

Don’t let the saying, “blessings are valued when they are gone” translate to “told you so” later in life.

Talk and listen.

Spread love.

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