The Warriors in White
There was a ‘Lady with the Lamp’
She had left, her imprint unclaimed
She had given her best
So, we must ceaselessly carry the legacy unrest
And prove the world we are no less
Nevertheless we are the finest.
The Warriors in White, work days and night
No hesitancy in giving up their lives
For rich or poor, untaught or learned, black & white
For we believe, humanity is the best religion
Will strive together to bring as one
And shall not leave no stone unturned.
As the world we live is no more in peace
No worries, we are apart and parted to keep at ease
With our skills, knowledge, discipline and dedication
We are strong and brave as a lion
That makes us no less than a champion.
Last but not the least
As we are longing for peace
Let’s hope one fine day definitely
Our magnificent world will be COVID free.

World Laughter Day 2021
History Dr Madan Kataria is the founder of the laughter yoga club movement that started in 1995 in Mumbai. Retired from

Autism, other wise known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a condition that mostly occurs to children. It is one of five developmental disorders included under the umbrella of the Pervasive Developmental Disorders.