What does my mind say?

What is Mental Health and why is it so important?

Just as you go to a doctor for your general physical check-up, your mental health check-up is also an important aspect of your overall wellness. WHO defines Health as “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” This definition states the biopsychosocial aspect of a person’s life. To be called a healthy person you must have a healthy physique, a sound mind, and a well-balanced social life. If even one of the mentioned aspects is disturbed it will cause gradual mental and social instability. Mental health has to be given priority because even if you like it or not your mind gets tired and it needs adequate rest from thinking. Thus, some researches prove that Yoga, morning walks, meditation or prayer help you keep your mind calm and peaceful.  Just as you give your body a break your mind will need time off from your busy schedule.

What are the myths related to Counselling?

  • Counseling is only for weak-minded people.

No, Counselling is done not only for people with problems but it can be used for your normal lives. When you vent your feelings, you feel calm and relieved from stress.

  • All people with mental illness are “crazy”.

No, the majority of patients with mental health issues are not hyperactive. In that case, they are hospitalized and kept on supervision by professionals.

  • Only people out of their minds go for counseling.

Counseling is meant for anyone who is ready to seek help or if someone wants to talk about their problems. It is not only meant for the mentally ill.

  • Counselors will talk behind my back

Counselors are meant to keep your secrets safe. Counselors are not allowed to disclose any information given to them. Only if the person is going to be harmful to himself or society, a counselor needs to inform the parents or the concerned authority.

  • Counseling doesn’t work or it will make my problems even worse.

A counselor will help you solve your problems. A counselor will give you the motivation and the courage to face your situations.

When do you realize that you have a mental health problem?

  • Lack of sleep
  • Mood instability
  • Distancing from friends
  • Cannot move on from a traumatic incident
  • When you feel lonely for a long time
  • When you have bad dreams most of the nights
  • When you have negative thoughts most of the times
  • When you are withdrawn

How does meditation, yoga or prayer help keep my mind calm?

          Yoga and meditation help your body as well as your mind to stay calm and think about life as a whole. Yoga helps in building muscle strength, the perfection of posture, drops in blood pressure, etc.

“The purpose of yoga is to build strength, awareness and harmony in both the mind and body,” explains Natalie Nevins, DO, a board-certified osteopathic family physician and certified Kundalini Yoga instructor in Hollywood, California.

Meditation helps the body, mind and heart to focus on being in a calm state. It improves in reducing stress, boosts mood and also eases chronic pain at times. There are a lot of studies that prove that keeping the mind calm will help you develop a healthy and productive lifestyle.

Prayer is a very important task in a person’s life. Thank God for giving you such beautiful people who are around you, thank Him for being so kind to you and keeping you safe. Ask Him to bless others and keep them safe from all evils.

A few facts for your knowledge.

Our world is running/developing at a very fast pace. People’s expectations from us become complex. You need to realize that our society expects everyone to be perfect in life and there is no imperfection. No matter how hard you try, you are unable to reach their expectations. So, be yourself, do what you can do, but do it to your satisfaction, you do things that you love but love the things you do. We are human and tend to fail. We make mistakes and we are also vulnerable, it’s okay, accept and keep working. Failures are part of the process. Stay strong during the weak moments of failure, be positive.

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